Wanna know a terrible secret of mine?

I like french fries. What’s worse? The more salt on them, the better.

When I was pregnant with my first baby, they were my quick go-to snack when I could no longer ignore those impatient hunger cravings that came on without notice. I know, I know… super unhealthy choice. But fast food is convenient, man. Preparing healthier options took time, preparation, and intentionality, and it was honestly just easier to indulge in a moment of weakness than to plan ahead.

I got away with it for awhile. At least it seemed that way. But over the course of my pregnancy, all of those moments of weakness eventually went straight to my hips. Of course they did. Postpartum, I found myself uncomfortably weighed down by my unhealthy choices – both literally and figuratively.

I was miserable, and something had to change.

As I began to pay attention to my eating habits, I noticed that it wasn’t one huge bad decision that put me over the edge each day. Rather, it was a combination of small compromises that added up over time. A bite here. A lick there. A desensitization to the long term effects that the sum of my choices would produce over time, because I could justify my desire just this once.

In my desperation I started implementing small changes. Trust me, my body wouldn’t be transformed overnight. But as I made physical exercise and healthy eating greater priorities in my life, day by day and bite by healthy bite, I noticed that I craved those french fries less and less over time.

As I fed my body the good stuff, it got easier to leave the bad habits behind.

Love God Greatly

Taking the undisciplined, compromised road physically has its consequences. Sort of like our spiritual lives.

Sin is all around us, screaming for us to indulge.

It creeps up on us in our weakest moments.

Over time, it weighs us down and makes us all kinds of uncomfortable.

Sometimes it’s one big flop, but often it’s the seemingly small stuff that we justify because we think we can pull it off with minimal damage.

It desensitizes our convictions and tempts us to give in just this once.

It convinces us that it’s more fun to indulge in the moment than it is to invest wisely in the future.

And unfortunately for most of us, sin usually isn’t defeated overnight. 

But as we make God’s Word a priority in our lives, our hearts are redirected. By God’s transforming power we crave His law more and more, and by His grace we begin to crave the things of this world less and less.

“Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me.” ~ Psalm 119:133

Reading God’s Word won’t always be convenient. It takes time, preparation, and intentionality, and is a task that will require planning and commitment every day for the rest of our lives.

But the results are oh, so satisfying.

Are you tired of settling for fast food spirituality?

Let’s fight against sin by feasting on the good stuff… together.


At His feet,

*Let’s Talk: What do YOU need to flee from in order to pursue more intimacy with God through His Word?





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