Esther YouVersion copy

We’re SO excited to announce that our upcoming {Esther} study is now on YouVersion! SO MANY of you have shared with us what a valuable Bible Study tool YouVersion is in your own personal lives, so we’re THRILLED to be able to offer this option once again!  The {Esther} YouVersion Plan includes our eight-week reading plan, along with a short, daily devotional each morning that coincides with the assigned scripture reading.

We absolutely love the thought of God’s Word being accessible to you on this powerful mobile device app. To search for our {Esther} plan, simply type in: Love God Greatly in the search box! Now our Reading Plan will be right at your finger tips whether you are on your phone, tablet or computer! **IMPORTANT TIP: You can view the plan today, but make sure to wait to START the plan until Monday morning, or the Reading Plan will be a day off.

app-icon-english-512x512-eb6a67e6a54cfcd29ac4d62caf19d9afHow do I find the Love God Greatly {Esther} study on YouVersion?
Download the YouVersion app on your smart phone, tablet or computer. After creating an account, go to the Plans section and search “Love God Greatly” to find our studies. Click on {Esther}, then click “Start This Plan” on Monday morning.

What is the link to YouVersion?
You can find the app on your mobile device, or link from the web at

With the YouVersion option, you’ll be able to directly access the Bible verses that go along with our {Esther} study – as well as Monday-Friday insightful devotional content – while you’re on the go, and all for {FREE}!

Just ONE MORE DAY, ladies, and we’re off on this {Esther} journey together!!  Can’t wait to meet you back here on the blog TOMORROW for our kick-off into {Week 1}!!!

At His feet,



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